
Green industry, environmental protection!

  "Green China Dream" is the business strategy of Cohesive Company, aiming at developing low-energy-consuming environmental water-based products for China's industrial market, reducing energy consumption and environmental pollution in operation; we develop energy-saving technologies through implementing the "Green China Dream" strategy, greatly improving customer's operation performance and environmental performance, and supporting the development of green economy.


Environment, Health and Safety

  Cohesion's business departments strive to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, and avoid negative impacts on the community and the surrounding environment; all aspects meet extremely high standards that exceed the requirements of local laws and regulations. Our compliance requirements for raw material suppliers in terms of environmental health and safety, local wages and legal working hours are in line with the standards we use elsewhere in the world. We can help suppliers train in occupational health and safety, and government agencies are responsible for monitoring, supporting and strengthening their compliance.